Not every official (court) translator is also an official interpreter. On this page you will find a list of professionals who, in addition to official translation, also deal with official interpreting. In addition to official translation, they are therefore also authorised to carry out official interpreting. For more information on the scope of practice of official interpreters, please visit the Ministry of Justice website.
You can use the search box to make your search more convenient. For example, you can enter the language you want (“Serbian”, “Polish”, “English”). You can also simply click to sort the table by the regions in which the interpreters work. A complete list of official (court) interpreters can be found on the website of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.
Note: You can click on the name of the official interpreter to view the profile.
Official (sworn) interpreters
Here you will find all the information you need to contact an official interpreter directly without the need for mediation.Name & Surname | Languages | Location | Phone | |
JUDr. Roman Dohovič | Ukrainian / Slovak | Košice region (SVK) | +421 915 493 244 | roman.dohovic@gmail.com |
Agnes Eckardtová | Czech, German / Slovak | Sachsen, Germany | 049 341 4795 014 | agneseckardt@arcor.de |
Ing. Perla Farkašová, CSc. | English / Slovak | Bratislava region (SVK) | +421 904 897 072 | perla.farkasova@gmail.com |
Mgr. Zlatica Juhásová | English / Slovak | Trnava region (SVK), Bratislava region (SVK) | +421 903 467 432 | juhasovaza@gmail.com |
Ing. Peter Kresse | German / Slovak | Trnava region (SVK) | +421 903 473 395 | info@kresse.sk |
Ana-Daniela Liczenczias | Romanian / Slovak | Bratislava region (SVK) | +421 907 399 183 | |
RNDr. Marta Lomnická | Italian / Slovak | Banská Bystrica region (SVK) | +421 903 510 190 | lomnicka@lomnicky.sk |
Ing. Elena Pelechová | Russian / Slovak | Trenčín region (SVK) | +421 904 895 216 | elena.pelechova@gmail.com |
Ing. Dagmar Prividi | English, German / Slovak | Košice region (SVK) | +421 905 815 531 | prividiova@yahoo.com |
PhDr. Andrej Rajský, PhD. | Italian / Slovak | Trnava region (SVK) | +421 903 557 123 | arajsky@gmail.com |
Mgr. Ida Saliniová | Italian / Slovak | Bratislava region (SVK) | +421 905 781 404 | ida777555@gmail.com |
PhDr. Emil Samol | English, German / Slovak | Žilina region (SVK) | +421 918 280 675 | emilsamol@gmail.com |
Diplom-Sprachmittlerin Birgit Strauss | German, Russian / Slovak | Germany | 0049 521 2388200 | info@rechtstexte.eu |
Mgr. Katarína Výlupok Šimko | English / Slovak | Banská Bystrica region (SVK) | +421 905 441 880 | ksimkova88@gmail.com |
Ing. Štefan Vrátny, BSc, MA | English, German / Slovak | Bratislava region, Trnava region (SVK) | +421 905 209 004 | vratny@nextra.sk |
PaedDr. Irena Turzová | Hungarian / Slovak | Nitra region (SVK) | +421 908 712 256 | iritur2009@gmail.com |
Mgr. Dana Zeleňáková | German / Slovak | Košice region (SVK) | +421 903 630 854 | zelenak@dodo.sk |