About the Directory of Slovak Official Translators and Interpreters

úradný prekladateľ

This Directory was founded and laboriously created by already deceased Peter Gomolčák (*1959 – †2016), who worked as an official translator for many years.

Peter Gomolčák – like many of his colleagues – was aware of the inappropriateness of agencies trading official translations. He based his arguments on the legislation which states that the official translator is solely and exclusively responsible for the translation with the official stamp, and a translation agency should have no place here.

The sole responsibility of the official translator or interpreter for the result of their work

In addition to the exclusive responsibility of the official translator and/or interpreter for the result of their work, Peter Gomolčák also pointed to the low (“exploitative”) remunerations offered by translation agencies to the official translators and interpreters to whom they outsource their clients. It is a common practice that an official translator or interpreter receives only 40-50% of the legally recommended rate for their work and the translation agency retains the remaining margin. Despite the fact that the official translator and/or interpreter is solely responsible for the output of their work and is the only one who is legally insured in this process against damage caused by the translation.

Official translation in high quality, at a reasonable price, without agency surcharge

Peter Gomolčák fought against the situation on the “market” with official translations by founding the Register of Official Translators and Interpreters, today the Directory of Slovak Official Translators and Interpreters – the portal you are currently on. Through this Directory, registered official translators and interpreters present their professional profiles, including contact details, so that they can be directly and easily found and contacted by those who need official translation of their documents or official interpreting, and receive this service in high quality, at a reasonable price, close to their place of residence – without the intermediary of an agency.

Since 2016…

In 2016, as a daughter of the late Peter Gomolčák, I took over the administration of the Directory, and I have been taking care of it with due responsibility ever since. In 2018, the Directory underwent a comprehensive self‑made renovation, which made it easier to navigate throughout the portal, more modern in appearance and adapted for browsing on mobile devices, so that visitors can find their translator or interpreter on their mobile phones or tablets just wherever they are.

Don’t hesitate to find and contact the official translator or interpreter that best suits your needs 🙂

Thank you for visiting.

Galina Gomolčáková

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